Congratulations to member Jocelyn Horsfall for being a Finalist in the International Garden Photographer of the Year for her stunning image ‘Texture Foliage” and to member Dick Hawkes for two of his images achieving a Highly Commended. All 3 images were entered in the Special Awards:Captured at Kew.
Month: February 2021
One way to pass a lockdown
Early in 2020 member Lorraine Clifton was preparing a panel to submit for a CPAGB distinction.* Then covid-19 hit and the assessment was postponed (it still hasn’t been re-scheduled). With time on her hands, and listening to the advice of a fellow club member that to enter international Salons would give an indication as to how the PAGB assessors would rate her images, she decided to have a go. 19 Salons; 81 acceptances; 1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals later she has now submitted her application for the first level “AFIAP” distinction**. Now to wait until June for the answer. And, perhaps, for a re-scheduled CPAGB assessment? With lockdown continuing she is now deciding whether to try for the 250 acceptances that an EFIAP requires.
*The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain Award for Photographic Merit
** Artistic distinction with the International Federation of Photographic Merit