We meet each Thursday at 8pm throughout the year, except in July, August, and around Easter and Christmas, at Kew Community Centre, Upper Hall, The Avenue, Kew, Richmond.
In addition to the many well-known speakers for illustrated talks and demonstrations, and other special events, we have a number of annual, internal and external competitions and awards. We also encourage members to enter images for our bi-monthly Print and Digital competitions which take place on the last Thursday of each month, analysis and scores being awarded by external judges. The scores are aggregated towards Annual awards.
Special Interest Groups (SIGS)
We have further monthly meetings, normally on Mondays or Tuesdays starting between 7:30 - 8pm, for Specialist Interest Groups (see Venues). These group meetings, which are both informal and informative, are:
Awards and distinctions | information and support for members aiming for PAGB and RPS distinctions |
Creative Eyes | encouraging the creative thought behind photography and image making |
Infra-red | images, comments and discussion |
Monochrome | images, comments and discussion |
Outings | to organise and encourage group outings |
Pictorial | images, comments and discussion |
Post-processing | workshops and demonstrations of digital post-processing techniques |
Advice and mentoring
The Society has members whose interests and skills range through all aspects of photography. They are very happy to give advice to fellow members wishing to improve their skills.
Programme and venues
Please see our Programme and Venues for further details of dates and locations.
Contact us
For Membership enquiries: please see Membership page.
Email addresses for all other queries:
Postal address:
30 Bassett Gardens